Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Grain-Free Cinnamon Rolls

How was every one's Mother's day? This was probably the first Mother's Day that I did not see my mom. I was in D.C and then NY this past week/weekend. First time being in either city-- both were really cool places.

I made these cinnamon rolls last week and they were really delicious-- I ate too many of them...not a great idea. My husband definitely loved them as well.

about 8

1 and 3/4 cups almond flour
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
dash of sea salt
2 pastured eggs (I used duck eggs)
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp cinnamon
coconut oil for coating baking sheet

glaze with maple syrup and coconut oil

[Preheat oven to 325]

1. Combine flours, soda, salt, then add in the eggs
2. The dough should become a wet ball
3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat with coconut oil
4. Coat another sheet of parchment paper with oil as well
5. Place the dough in between the two sheets of paper and form a rectangle shape with the dough ( about 1/4 inch thick)
6. Now drizzle the dough with honey and coat with cinnamon
7.  With the help of you parchment paper--roll the dough into a log- the dough will crack and fall apart, just piece it together as you go.
8. Refrigerate the dough for about 30 minutes (or over night if making for the next morning)
9. Take out of refrigerator and cut log into 8 pieces
10. Place on baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes at 325 degrees
11. Take out of the oven, let cool for 3 minutes and drizzle maple syrup and coconut oil on top

Enjoy for breakfast or dessert! 

1 comment:

  1. this looks delicious! my favorite way to bake cinnamon rolls is to make the glaze from ground up dates, cinnamon, and pastured butter-- no sugar at all! I'll have to try it with your almond/coconut flour dough :)
