Monday, May 6, 2013

Buttermilk Spelt flour pancakes

Finally the sun came out in Charlotte! After a week of cold rainy weather. It has been one of the weirdest Springs we've had. Usually you would expect the weather to be scorching hot already but it's been pretty chilly and random.

So on another note- today I really wanted I made some... for lunch!
I love pancakes- they are so good (IF you make them right), I don't love the frozen packaged pancakes you buy at the store..or even those super fake tasting pancakes you get at some places. I love homemade made right pancakes!

When I visited Roland in College up at Calvin- I went to a couple pancake breakfasts that a bunch of his friends use to do. They were so fun, a crowded house with delicious pancakes and coffee--definitely my idea of a Saturday morning.

Here is a recipe that uses Spelt flour-- I bought some a few weeks ago and finally used it today. I will also be making sourdough bread with Spelt flour...more on that later.

Yield 1 (double the recipe for more!)


1 cup Spelt Flour
1/2 tbsp raw local honey
a dash of sea salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
1 duck egg ( you can use a chicken eggs too)
1 tbsp melted grass-fed butter
extra butter for the frying pan


1. Combine the flour, honey, salt, powder, soda in a mixing bowl.
2. In a smaller bowl combine- buttermilk, egg, and butter
3. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients
4. mix together- leaving the batter a bit clumpy
5. Place your frying pan over medium-heat and brush it with some butter
6. When the butter starts to bubble- put about 1 tbsp of batter into the pan
7. When you see the pancake bubble and the sides turn gold flip it!
You may want to adjust the heat to lower so your pancakes don't burn.

Serve with plenty of grass-fed butter and organic 100% maple syrup.

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